Monday, October 7, 2013

Baby's all grown up and crawling!

Last night my husband and I were at my parents house for Sunday dinner. After dinner we Skyped my sister who lives in Provo. She and her husband have a seventh month old baby girl, Sariah. She is the first and only grandchild of my parents and my only biological niece. My husband has a huge family, with lots of kids, but seven months ago, when Sariah was born, I finally understood that relationship that any aunt and uncle has with their nieces and nephews. It was very surreal to me. The concept that this baby was actually biologically related me completely blew my mind. And even more, she's darndest cutest baby I've ever seen. A beautiful mixture of her two beautiful parents, Sariah is by far the closest thing I have to my own child, so every time I get to see her my heart fills with joy.

Last evening was the first time we'd been able to chat with them in a while and see that bundle of joy. Sariah was happily bouncing around and standing on her feet (with the help of a chair of course). Every now and then she would get this cute little scrunched up look on her face when ever she wasn't pleased with her parents. My parents ooed and awed over their granddaughter's every little move. I admit I did too. Seeing that cute, pudgy little body learn how to move you couldn't help but turn to mush.

We were lucky that evening because for the first time ever Sariah crawled. We were ecstatic! Like most of my siblings Sariah took a little longer to start crawling, but the secret to getting her to crawl was apparently twizzlers and grandparents. While daddy dangled twizzlers just out of her reach Sariah, with one sock on and one sock off, began to crawl towards the twizzlers and the computer screen where she could see us. However, she veered towards the twizzlers in the end. Despite her true priorities it was amazing to be apart of a monumental event in my niece's life.

Here's Sariah in her adorable little skirt crawling towards those twizzlers.

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