My thoughts on public breast feeding
Today at aerobics during our cool down one of the mothers with a new born said, "is everyone ok if I breast feed the baby?" And since we were all mothers- or almost- and had all experienced lactating we said ok. Then with some modesty she began to breast feed.
As a 25 year old Mormon woman 95% of my friends are mothers and 90% are always breast feeding. Even a friend with a two year old is still breast feeding. In the last three months alone over 25 friends of mine had babies or are expecting babies. A year ago, the same thing, (this always impresses me considering I don't live in Utah) So I'm always around mothers breast feeding.
Personally a woman breast feeding in front of me doesn't bother me. I know some people are disgusted when a woman just flips one out- which in some cases- like when my father was in the bishopric and on a Sunday sitting on the stand witnessed a sister fully flip one out not even covering it with her shirt or like when my friend flipped one out while in the middle of the busiest mall in America with thousands of people around watching- I can see this as being horrifying. Because honestly breast feeding boobs aren't pretty and seeing a full fledged boob out in the open is kind of like seeing a butt cheek, eye blinding white bulbous fatty tissue that jiggles when you move with blue veins and stretch marks streaking through out it. They should be covered up out of modesty- like your butt cheeks. I don't agree with a woman flipping one clear out.
Luckily my friends don't do that, they use their shirt or a blanket to cover up. This doesn't mean they do this perfectly, I have many times been flashed, but I just look away while she fixes herself. Like the church teaches they are modest about it and some, like today, are courteous and ask. For me, they don't ever need to ask, but to be safe I would encourage any woman to always ask especially when men that aren't your family are around. Not everyone is comfortable with breast feeding like me.
Breast feeding vs formula
When Alex and I have children we will be breast feeding if it is possible for me. Some women I know aren't able to breast feed so I understand if they use formula. If it turns out that we can never have our own kids and we adopt, then we will use formula. I am not against using formula i do believe it is good for babies, but I believe that breast milk is better, plus it's free.
On Friday we had a girls night at Kristin's house, her kids were in bed but baby Sarah needed a bottle. In her case her children would not breast feed so they use formula. I'm a big fan of breast pumps, so if my kids won't breast feed I'm going for the breast pump before formula. I also plan on breast pumping and freezing surplus like my sister does.
As much as I am pro breast feeding the instant my baby gets a tooth in they are off the boob and on the bottle. I'm a wuss for pain and do not look forward to bleeding through my bra and shirt. But I still would pump. I think my friend Danny who's breast feeding her two year old is really brave. When my brother was a baby my mother breast fed well into him having lots of teeth and I remember she'd be feeding him and them all of a sudden she would scream "OUCH!" You could hear her throughout the entire house. I have no desire to ever experience that part of motherhood. So my breast pump will definitely become my new best friend.
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