Every Friday Kristina likes to have a "Break-Down O'clock" from 3-5pm where any one who wants to can come over, no expectations (not even a clean house) and do nothing or just talk and get whatever you want off your chest. Kids are welcome, but they don't have to come. Kristina basically lets her kids do whatever they want (as long as there's no blood or fire) from watching tv to making the house a mess. This is a period where she can physically relax and talk with who ever will listen. Kristina has invited me a few times, but I've always been busy. Last night I was having a very difficult time coping with a bad case of allergies, dizziness and mental fogginess, it wasn't a great night. I posted something about it on Facebook and later Kristina invited me again so today– despite really needing a nap to recover– I decided to go with Kate and hang out at Kristina's house.
When we got there we sat down and for a second I felt like we were Visit Teaching Kristina (guess that goes to show you how casual my VT visits are!). But we had no problems talking together about whatever and being, for a couple hours, lazy. Even though I didn't get a nap in today and literally dragged my body around and forced it to do things I really didn't want to do, it was really nice just sitting there and talking. Kristina is newer in our ward so it was really nice to get to know her more.
Kristina has three kids who I've seen around all the time at church and meetings (both Kristina and Kate are on my Activities Committee) they are like any other healthy children, lively and full of character. Kristina's youngest, Emma, who's only a few months old is by far the cutest chubby cheeks baby every. I got to hold her for the first time today and strangely not because she was handed to me today, but because I picked her up off the couch because she was screaming. I bounced her on my knee and she stopped crying. The other two kids spent their time playing with Anna, Kate's girl, or getting mad while playing phone games (it's Break-Down O'Clock, they can do anything!). They also have an old dog name Pike, she's a black lab mix and is a very kind, patient dog, and I don't know if it was because she was older but, she didn't try to lick my hand to death! (Germaphobe remember?) So as a reward I pet and she went off happy.
So two hours of hanging out were great and quite an ingenious idea! I think every one should have a Break-Down time, especially stressed, depressed, stuffed up, dizzy people like me! Unfortunately next week for me is really busy so I don't think I'll get that nap in before the next Break-Down O'clock. Hopefully I don't break down before then.
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